You can use YBT with a Toaster-only (4.x version software) and get the benefits of seeing a timeline layout of your Toaster-only projects, too!
Finally, a basic tool that lets you quickly see how your audio edits are lined up with your video and edits - and check time code values for multiple edits at a quick glance.
YBT is 100% Amiga Assembly Language for COMPACTNESS and SPEED. YBT redraws your timeline SUPER-FAST as you glide through your project or adjust the time scale with the sliders or arrow keys.
You'll be amazed at YBT's speed. When you start YBT, it analyzes your project (at about 50 croutons PER SECOND!). From then on, all YBT's timeline drawing operations are virtually instantaneous. If you change your Toaster4.1 or Flyer project, YBT can quickly re-analyze the project (via a keyboard click, a menu selection, or even via ARexx!) in a few seconds and you're quickly back to instantaneous viewing of your project on YBT's color-coded, scalable timeline.
YBT is displayed on a 16-color HiRes Amiga screen, with enough horizontal pixel resolution (656 pixels across) to show up to 10 minutes of project and still view events which only last but one second.
OK, MegageM has a FAST, useful Toaster & Flyer timeline display for YOU!
YBT Screenshot - (656x439 pixels, 16-color GIF, 12KB)